Thursday, January 15, 2015

Black Binder Assignment Expectations

All touring musicians must put together a black 3-ring binder that contains their personal tour sheet music. 

We have discussed this expectation in class, and shared with students the resources needed for obtaining their individual parts and transitioning them to the binder.

All Concert Band & Symphonic Band students should have their binders with them at this Wednesday night's rehearsal (6:30 - 8:30 PM).  Staff will check binders at that time.

All Wind Ensemble students should have their binders in class on Monday, January 26.  Staff will check binders at that time.

This binder will be packed by students into their individual suitcases for transport to NYC.

Binder guidelines ...

  • 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch (preferred)
  • Solid black (matte finish preferred)
  • Plastic sleeves (non-gloss) for sheet music
  • Name label on the inside cover of the binder
To find your music:

- Go to your CSD99 Google Drive
- Search for "DGN Bands - Shared Course Folder"
- Look for the folder that contains the name of your band, and open it.
- Navigate to the appropriate folder / parts