Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Departure Day Procedures

Our departure is just about 50 hours away!  Here are some important updates for our tour participants:

7:00 AM - No Early Bird Jazz Classes on this day.  Students may sleep an extra hour.

8:00 AM - 3:20 PM - Students attend classes.

*** Do Not Bring Tour Luggage To School.  ***

3:20 PM - Students return home to shower, change, eat dinner, and return to school with their luggage.  Instruments may be taken home after school, or picked up in the Band Room just prior to departure (5 PM).

Important Note:  We will not be stopping en route for dinner; students should eat a substantial meal prior to being dropped off at 5 PM.

4:35 PM - Loading Crew students arrive and begin to help load coach buses.

4:45 - 5:00 PM - Touring musicians are dropped off in the Main Street Parking Lot.  Please work hard to arrive in this window of time.  Not earlier, and not later.

5:00 - 5:15 PM - Students load their luggage and instruments on the coach buses, and find their seats on their assigned bus.  Note: All wooden instruments, plus all flutes, clarinets, and oboes should go in the overhead compartments on the passenger level of the bus (not under the bus).

5:30 PM - Departure